Hottest On TV

Thursday, 3 November 2022

Hottest On TV Blog: AFR on the global streaming wars. - Amazon takes on Spotify, Apple with cut-price music offer (Australian Financial Review)

AFR on the global streaming wars

AFR on the global streaming wars. We're looking at doing more back-up and cross platform management of our audio interviews from almost two decades in the game. Who to give the business to... Alphabet's TubeTube and/or Spotify or another? SoundCloud just about priced themselves out of the game at this stage and may be going down further, just as MeetUp did years ago when their price point was off. Talk about a competitive market sector. Almost disappointed Musk's Twitter doesn't offer a streaming service/platform, at least not at present. LinkedIn continues to tie the other platforms together nicely, so kudos to Microsoft on that front. Regarding Paramount Plus, The Twilight Zone gets our nod for best legacy/traditional show on any streaming service. YouTubes' 'Hacking Google' series recently won our 'Documentary Of The Month' award. Can AFR reduce the paywall charge for happy SMH subscribers? Feels appropriate to ask here! Friendly Faangs season is here with and without adverts. Pass on Google Box for now. Have to draw a line in the sand somewhere. Sydney Twitter Flock out. Tweet Tweet! 

Amazon takes on Spotify, Apple with cut-price music offer (The Australian Financial Review)

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